Monthly Archives: June 2011


Psychometric Testing? Well……

Psychometric Testing? Well...... I looked up one day to see a team of people crowding into the doorway to my office, hoping to distract me from my paperwork and seek my help. They wanted to know if I could arrange for psychometric testing to be done on all the members of their team. They wanted

By |2019-08-31T18:14:16+00:00June 6th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Being Inclusive Amidst Cognitive Diversity

Here's an example (at Board Room level) of being inclusive amidst cognitive diversity.... It's springtime in Scotland, early 1990's. The dark cold indoor winter days have opened up into warm daylight hours with flowers blooming in the parks, birds twittering in the trees and people strolling through the meandering walkways feeling and smelling the promise

By |2019-08-31T18:14:16+00:00June 6th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments